Leslie and her Little Love Bugs (not the shoes, the other ones…)
Leslie is the Owner of Little Love Bugs Company. She designs and manufactures shoes. Not just any shoes. Amazingly cute shoes. She started it on a whim. Yes, a whim. This is my kind of girl. When life throws her major curve balls, she dusts herself off and continues to move forward with determination and strength. I’ve been lucky enough to pick her brain about business and marketing and she is always willing to share her insight and knowledge. Yesterday, she asked me about a paint color i recommended. Today she sent me a picture of her painted wall. Again,...
Want to stay healthy? Learn to wash your hands the right way.
Whether you’re anxious about the outbreak of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 or simply fretting over the usual spread of seasonal influenza, there is a simple and easy way to reduce your risk of catching communicable diseases: washing your hands
Why COVID-19 can’t beat a good hand-washing
Researchers are still working to understand how deadly COVID-19 is and how it spreads.
A Panic Attack Can Mimic the Symptoms of COVID-19. Here’s What to Do About It.
Tips for dealing with all these feelings.