News — Parenting
You will have a different story. Make that story shine.
If I could shield you from the harder parts of life – Just like this… I would. But then again, I wouldn’t be preparing you for the ups and downs that you are sure to face. I need you to understand that life isn’t fair and that it’s what you do with your hardships that will create a better you. I hope, as you grow older, you learn this. You learn that the path you sometimes land upon isn’t the one you expected and that’s ok. Everyone has a different story. You will have a different story. Make that story...
Just As You Are
"You are perfect. Just as you are.".Can we dissect this a bit?.I've spent so much of my life worrying about what others think. I've always been driven to be the best. Always feeling as though I fell short. .It started young. Dance? I was good, but not THE BEST. Handwriting in elementary school... No seriously who her
Why You Should Start Snowshoeing This Winter
Going slow on the snow can help you relish the smallest details.
Dear Dads, If You Get Paid Paternity Leave, Take All of It, Dammit
Even when they get paid time off, new dads don’t use it. Here’s why they should.