
Why sanitizer works, but hand washing works better

Why sanitizer works, but hand washing works better

If you haven’t gotten the memo to wash your hands regularly, especially now with COVID-19 floating around, it’s time to break out the soap and get scrubbing.

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How long can the coronavirus live on surfaces, can I get COVID-19 twice, and every other question you might have about the pandemic

How long can the coronavirus live on surfaces, can I get COVID-19 twice, and every other question you might have about the pandemic

Since the novel coronavirus began spreading throughout China in January, it has reached 104 additional countries and infected 109,577 people globally.

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COVID-19 symptoms typically appear 5 days after infection

COVID-19 symptoms typically appear 5 days after infection

People who are infected with COVID-19 start showing symptoms within about 5 days on average of being exposed to the new coronavirus, scientists reported March 10.

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11 Moms Who Have to Keep Working During the Coronavirus Outbreak on How Much Their Jobs Have Changed

11 Moms Who Have to Keep Working During the Coronavirus Outbreak on How Much Their Jobs Have Changed

From those in healthcare to the service industry, working moms share how they're coping.

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