It never ceases to amaze me to think... I GREW those things in my belly. My children came to be because of my body. Children are a wonder to watch grow and the development of baby feet is an incredible process to witness too. From the moment a baby is born, their little feet begin the amazing journey of growth and development that lasts until they reach adulthood. With each stage of development, baby feet become stronger and more agile, taking them on the path to independence.
The journey of a baby’s development begins even before birth, with the first physical changes starting in the womb. At this stage, the feet are still developing, but already beginning to take shape. By the time a newborn baby is born, the feet have developed enough to support them in standing and walking.
The skin of a newborn's feet is very delicate, soft and smooth. The shape is relatively flat and the toes are shorter and more rounded than those of an adult foot. Most newborns have their feet turned inward, which is known as metatarsus adductus, and will usually straighten out as they grow and develop. At this stage, they also lack arches and fat pads which give the foot structure and support.
Newborn feet require special care and protection due to their delicate nature. It is important to keep the feet clean and dry, avoid over-tightening shoes, and be aware that those adorable baby booties might look cute but can restrict movement and be uncomfortable for your little one.
3 months
At 3 months, your baby’s feet may look surprisingly similar to those of an adult. The foot will have five tiny toes and the baby’s arch should be starting to form. At this point, your baby’s feet will be more sensitive to touch and they will be able to curl their toes. To help promote healthy development, you can try some activities with your baby such as playing with a toy placed near their feet or massaging their feet in circular motions with oil or lotion. During this stage, it is also important to ensure your baby has proper footwear. This includes properly fitting booties, socks, or moccasins that provide protection. Proper footwear is essential to ensure healthy development of your baby’s feet and should continue to be used as they grow and begin to crawl.
1 year
At the one year mark, babies have developed strong and sturdy feet. They will be able to stand up and walk with assistance. During this stage of development, babies are also able to stand up on their own, with their feet firmly planted on the ground - My back aches just thinking of all those times I bent over to help my two daughters walk around. Their feet and ankles are well-developed and their arches are beginning to form. While they still may not be able to run, they are learning how to maneuver around objects, such as chairs and tables. As their confidence increases, so does their mobility. At this age, it is important to provide your baby with plenty of floor time in order to encourage them to use their feet and explore their environment.
2 years
At two years of age, babies will have taken their first steps and will be starting to become more confident with walking. Their feet are now more developed, and they will have the ability to run, jump, and kick. Their feet are now fully formed and the arch of their foot is now visible. As well as increased physical capabilities, their fine motor skills improve, allowing them to put on shoes, grab and carry items and balance better. The muscles in the feet are stronger and stronger, providing a better base for activities such as hopping, running and walking. At two years old, babies should have a foot size of 4-6 inches, with 4-4.5 inches being the most common size.