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Meet The Little Love Bug Team

Meet The Little Love Bug Team

For years people have often asked me, "What's your goals with Little Love Bug?" Awkward silence usually follows. Ok, that's a stretch. I'm not one for silence. But. I never REALLY knew how to answer that. Little Love Bug had grown more than I had ever really imagined, so my dream to stay home with my kids AND provide for them was and will always be enough.

But. If I could make that dream happen for other Moms? PURE HAPPINESS! And guys, because of you... I'm there! 

Meet the female led team:

Abby Robb : "Hi all! I'm Abby! I do all things with numbers concerning Little Love Bug. I've known Leslie since our time in Colorado over 10 years ago when our first baby was baking in my belly. Carter is now 10, Tinley is 8, and our little caboose Olivia just turned 6. We live in Texas, so our friendship spans many states and time zones now. Leslie shared her vision with me 5 years ago and I signed up to keep her finances in order while she got the cool job of creating! I've had so much fun watching her brand grow and succeed!"

Janet Ortiz : "My name is Janet and I'm the fulfillment center manager. I was born and raised in Durango, Mexico and even though I love living in Oregon I can't help to miss the beautiful sunny days in Durango. I am also the mother of two young men ages 20 and 16. I have had the pleasure of working with Leslie since 2018 shipping all the shoes. I thought I'd let you know I really have been enjoying being a part of the LLB crew! Thank you so much!"

Hollie Wallis : "Hi everyone, I'm Hollie, 34 years old. I live in rural Ohio, but I'm from Australia. I'm a single Mom to 3 kids aged almost 18, 14, and 3. My oldest just got accepted to Syracuse University and I'm really struggling with not making that part of my personality. I'm ready for the "Syracuse Mom" bumper stickers. I do some of the social media for Little Love Bug and help to keep Leslie (more) sane."

Tiffani Hamilton : "Hey everyone! My name is Tiffani. I live in Hoschton GA, have been married for a year and have two beautiful children (3&3weeks). I help to run the Facebook group page, BST page and manage the rep team."

Shelby Kuhns : "Hi, my name is Shelby Kuhns! I was born and raised in central Florida, married my high school sweetheart in 2009, and together we’ve lived in Okinawa, Oregon, North Carolina, and have now planted roots in Georgia with our two children. You can usually find me with a kid on my hip and cold cup of coffee in hand. I help run the Facebook Group page, BST page, and consider myself an OG Little Love Bug hype girl (hah!). I love getting to share my love for this brand with anyone who will listen! 💛"

Allison Conklin : "Hey! My name is Allison Conklin. I’m from Georgia, and have 4 kids! 1, 4, 14 and 16. I’ve been married for 9 years, and we spend most of our time hopping from school to church to sports and back again! I’m one of the photographers on the LLB team, and love getting to be involved with y’all and this company!"

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1 comment

Last time I ordered (to Canada), I had to pay taxes when I accepted the items (which I loved by the way!). I’m ordering quite a few items this time so I was wondering if this can be avoided in any way. Thank you so much.
Warm regards,


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