But I was told that it was “off brand". Said person will see this I’m sure so “Hi!” 😉 But. It made me think, what IS my brand? How did I get here? Can’t the brand be… Me? I mean – Who here has followed me for longer than a year?
So I will tell you… I’m about a lot of things. Some things? I’m still learning about… Figuring out. I find life to be a constant changing experience. But. I love people. All people. Every color of people. Every type of people… I try to show up and support the fact that we’re all living this life and trying to figure it out… As Moms especially. Because being a Mom is HARD. But honestly? Being a human is difficult.
This all stems from a discussion I had with another Mom this past weekend. She had worked hard and had lost a ton of weight, but is still uncomfortable in her body. She's done AMAZING and should be PROUD. There’s a fraction of people who have magazine bodies and even those are often fine-tuned with a computer. Know - You’re perfect just the way you are – Stretch marks, extra skin, and all. No judgement if you do something about it, but make sure it's for YOU.
Moral of the story. If I can make even one person out there feel a little better about themselves. Love themselves a little more. Motivate them some how. Understand that we're all in this crazy life together - THAT'S my brand.